Monday, July 14, 2014

Hey! What's this blog about? An Introduction!

This Blog was created for my English class English 313 STUDIES IN POPULAR CULTURE. My thoughts and feelings about topics in class will be expressed here. It's likely that I won't quite know what to say sometimes. I haven't been exposed to very much in terms of popular culture; I'm often told asking my friends what this or that means. A pat on the head and the words: "Don't worry about it" is their response.

While I might not know a lot, I'm willing to learn more. I hope to gain a greater understanding for popular culture. There are many things that are I might have less understanding due to how I’ve grown up. While I was born in America, my family structure and home life remained fairly traditional. The media I was exposed to – television, radio, movies, and music – much of it was a mixture of older Chinese culture and American values. Because of this, I don’t have the same kind of perspective sometimes.

In the first class, Professor Wexler asked something along the lines of: What do I feel is popular cultures and why is it being studied? This question was directed to the entire class and the responses people offered were interesting to note. It was actually a little difficult not to use the words in the definition. My definition was that popular culture was the trends of a society. What is “in with the crowd” can often give a glimpse to the values of those people; what they believe is important to them. 

Its strange to think about it but, its because of my background that I often have less of a connection to what some people view as “important” or “cool”. I look at things people are “into” these days and I don’t really understand why or how that is “in”. My background also affects me in the fact that, while I grew up listening to traditional Chinese music, others might have grown up with the Beatles. Other people might have had barbeques during the summer, while I went overseas to visit my extended relatives.

My idea of popular culture is different because of that. I would like to expand my knowledge of what popular culture means to me in my class. I hope to learn a lot and be able to talk to my friends without them teasing me about not knowing things. :)

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